The Silence
(by: May S. Leynes)

I feel so happy
seeing that you smile
you laugh
and you're not nagging me.

You let me do what I want
and you didn't complained
you let me dance
you let me sing
and still, you smile
and never said anything.

You let me hangout with 'friends'
and gone drunk with them
and bar hopping
come home late
and can't even change or undress
and still, you smile at me
and never said anything.

Until one morning,
I woke up alone, in our bed.

And I remember the words you said:
"When I'm tired and have had enough
you will never ever heard a word
from me, anymore
I will just leave and forget you."

And I cried silently
as silent as you left me
and wishing that you hear me
even it's a dream
I still hoping, in silence.


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