No matter how the plans carefully planned, no matter how organized it is and how suitable the people for the work and the positions are, without direction from the immediate person, how can they act?

Everyone is different individual with their own perceptions and evaluations of the plan. Possessed with initiatives and abilities--- they can be autonomous but, this being autonomous of a man somehow not applicable when things and situations require a solid effort of unity and cooperation. Ergo, these bunch of people still needs someone to direct them towards to what goals they must accomplish, together.

Directing is said to be the heart of the management process, a "life-spark of an enterprise", a central character, the essence of all the planning, organizing, and staffing matter. It is the function of influencing (the employees through respect and integrity), motivating (them through inspirations, appreciation, and ideal challenge), instructing (them in a clear, easy, and considerate way), guiding (them without making them feel humiliated and offended), overseeing (the people and the work and their relationships to both fellow employees and their role to ensure that there's no conflict going on -- in whatever manner -- to maintain the equanimity of the environment. And I included the counselling --- to keep them motivated and inspired --- that directing isn't always in a form of commanding but also an artery of bringing out the best of everyone in every opportunity.

This is how vital directing is to be entitled to its fundamental nature of being a continuous activity. It is also a pervasive process -- directing is required at all levels of management from the top-level managers direct the middle-level managers who, in turn, direct their subordinates. An executive function where workers receives instruction from his superior only. Directing is a creative activity of putting plans into action where the innovative thoughts, techniques, and ideas would be utilized to its most efficient way and form. It is a human factor deals directly in taking care of employee's emotions and feelings. It is also a delegate function deals not only emotionally but of human beings and their behavior.

Human beings.. their emotions and behavior is abroad, complex matter. Knowing employees takes time, it needs time. But however long or short the time is, treating them, directing them with considerable amount of respect and dignity is a win-win move.

May S. Leynes


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