Management can be defined as the process of dealing with or controlling things and people. Or it can be the administration of an institution, or organization whether it is a business (for profit or non-profit) or it is a government body. Management is defined according to a purpose of an organization. It can be an art and a science, an economic resource, a system of authority, a class or a team and a profession. Management bears philosophies: it is what management does, a direction, a development of people and a process for the utilization of growth-inputs. According to Henry Fayol, management have 14 principles and those are the: 1) division of work; 2) authority and responsibility; 3) discipline; 4) unity of command; 5) unity of direction; 6) subordination of individual interest; 7) remuneration; 8) centralization; 9) scalar chain; 10) order; 11) equity; 12) stability; 13) initiative and; 14) esprit de corps. Planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling are the functions...